

I had a horrible week :( I'm in bed sick, but will be getting back on the wagon this week. I've been eating well and sleeping A LOT. Which is good for my body, but sucks.

I'll post more later.


I feel sick and gross and can't sleep at all. I think I am coming down with something, which has probably only been made worse by my eating three 90 Calorie Fiber One Brownies for dinner. Bad life choice.

I was reading online that tackling a single goal or idea at a time was the best way to make something a life style change. I'm going to start doing that after I go to the doctors this week. :)


Fitness Deck

What I am doing right now (instead of sleeping) is making a Fitness Deck. I am taking note cards and writing moves (stretches, cardio moves, strength training, etc.) on each of them (with directions if necessarily). I'm going to keep adding to the deck as I keep up my research. And during lame times of my day, commercials, or if I need a quick pick-me-up, I am going to shuffle up and draw out some cards.

Every little movement counts! :)


Moving Ever Forward.

This week has been a lot of ups and downs, but overall, it's been good! It's all a learning experience and I am truly learning so much. I have been over my totals all week, but I am learning to listen to my body more and my cravings less. Plus, hopefully after a doctor visit, I will figure out my blood sugar stuff and that'll make life easier as well! :)

I have been loading up on readings, magazines, and reading lots of personal weight loss stories for inspiration. It really gives me the right mindset and a lot of hope that with real hard work, I can do this!

I used to do Zumba 4-5 times a week (with the dvd system in my old, crickey house) and I've been missing it. I may go ahead and buy the system, because I miss it so much. And what you do in a class setting is so different from the dvds. Both are good and fun and a real workout, but I like the dvd moves and music better-ish? Because I don't own the dvds, I mostly just blare Today's HipHop/Rap/Pop and do the quintessential Zumba moves to them while dancing around my living room! (Great visual, huh?) I love dancing. I want to do a lot more of it and eventually want to take ballroom or social dance classes.

I find the more I think about my new healthy life style, the more I come up with lists of things I want to do but have always been wigged out by. I let my weight perpetually get the best of me. I won't get into it here, cause it'll be way to heavy for my high blood sugar state, but more on that later!


Overeating :/

Eating out tonight was a very poor choice. I think the salt levels alone are probably making me sick. So bloated. I probably gained 9 million pounds tonight. (That's a rough estimate, of course.)

I had black bean soup and part of my Mom's nachos. The soup was great (sooooo tasty) but I wish I would have stopped there! I would have saved myself this over-stuffed feeling and about 700 calories. :(

This is one mistake I hope to not make again. I'm starting to realize that I eat every meal as if it will be my last one ever. I can't pass up my favorite foods because I feel like I'll never have them again. Ever. Ever. Ever! Which is totally dumb! And nothing tastes as good as the first bite and the last.

So hear's to smaller portions and if I have to have something, only dishing out a just enough to be satisfied.