
This is a list that will, hopefully, always be under construction. :)

On the Scales:
250 (8lbs lost)
240 (18lbs lost)
230 (28lbs lost)
220 (38lbs lost)
210 (48lbs lost)
200 (58lbs lost)
199 (59lbs lost)
190 (68lbs lost)
180 (78lbs lost)
170 (88lbs lost)
160 (98lbs lost)
155 (103lbs lost) 

Things I want to tackle:
Calorie counting.
All wheat, rarely processed foods.
Up the fruits and veggies.
Drink lots of water.
Taking my prescribed medicine everyday, at the same time.
Sleeping more and on a schedule.
Healthy fats.
Cut back on coffee.
Limit animal products/find more alternative proteins.
Chewing more slowly
Eating at the dinner table every meal.
No more emotional eating.
Finding rewards that are not edible.

Things I want to do:
Fitness at least 3 times a week.
Find an activity I absolutely love.
Do Zumba in a class setting, not just my living room
Run a 5k
Bike across the city
The Color Run  in October
Go out dancing
Travel to compete in a charity walk/run
Participate in a JDRF walk/run
Fit into my mom's jeans (She's much smaller than I am.)

Topics I want to learn more about:
Vitamins and Minerals/Supplements
Alternative health
Depression and Bi-Polar Disorder
Homeopathic Remedies
ALA and Cinnamon supplements

If you have something you think I would be into or interested in learning about, please let me know! This is a work-in-progress!

1 comment:

sgoldman328 said...

I'm so glad to have found your blog! I am so thrilled to be with you as a reader and support on your journey. And I am so so so inspired that you are doing this in a healthy way -- instead of going to unhealthy extremes. YOU GO GIRL!