

I had a horrible week :( I'm in bed sick, but will be getting back on the wagon this week. I've been eating well and sleeping A LOT. Which is good for my body, but sucks.

I'll post more later.


I feel sick and gross and can't sleep at all. I think I am coming down with something, which has probably only been made worse by my eating three 90 Calorie Fiber One Brownies for dinner. Bad life choice.

I was reading online that tackling a single goal or idea at a time was the best way to make something a life style change. I'm going to start doing that after I go to the doctors this week. :)


Fitness Deck

What I am doing right now (instead of sleeping) is making a Fitness Deck. I am taking note cards and writing moves (stretches, cardio moves, strength training, etc.) on each of them (with directions if necessarily). I'm going to keep adding to the deck as I keep up my research. And during lame times of my day, commercials, or if I need a quick pick-me-up, I am going to shuffle up and draw out some cards.

Every little movement counts! :)